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Hi there, fellow artist, art enthusiast, HR rep or random link clicker.

I am an illustrator with a wide variety of skills,

including but not limited to;

Character Design, Graphic Design, Storyboarding, Comic Artist,

Digital Illustration, Typography, Watercolor, COPIC Markers,

Adobe Creative Suite, ProCreate, Concepts App, Sales/Vendor,

Painting, Photography, Children's Book Illustrations, etc.


Savannah College of Art and Design alumna,

Bachelor of Fine Arts(BFA) in Sequential Art

with a minor in Storyboarding.


Graduated: May 28th, 2021


I specialize in Character Design with a love for

drawing chonky cats, girls and farm animals.


Jay Len. fka Jailine Lenaerts

©2020 Jay Lennertz. Proudly created with

  • @thatsboyman
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